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Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What are the new features on the Ki Online update?

A:  Only the certain features and options load during the initial quote load allowing Ki Online to function faster.  The additional options and aftermarket seating are shown in the grey menu bar on the left-hand side of the screen.  To select the additional options or aftermarket seating, simply click on the green plus sign and those options will load. 

Q: How do I get started? 

A: First off, Welcome to Ki Online! Since you are already logged-in you are all set to go! From your Home page select ‘Configure a Chair’ and choose the product you would like to quote. The product pictures are listed in an accordion style and therefore to see Rigid or Pediatric chairs you must click the red bars at the bottom of the screen. You will enter the ‘Marked For’ and choose a shipping location from the drop-down menu. All company ‘Ship To’ locations are pre-programmed for your convenience. Your quote will load.  Options will load, while the additional options will be listed on the left-hand side of the screen highlighted in grey.  Select the options, feature by feature, until you have completed your quote.  If you would like the additional options shown on the left-hand side, click on the green plus sign and those options will load.  Once you have completed your quote, click ‘Finished Quote’ or ‘Done’, which is located on the last feature page. A pop-up will appear if you have not completed all required features.  Once complete, you will be directed to a page where you can view, print or email your completed quote. TA DA! You did it! 

Q: Where can I find my quote?

A: All of your quotes are saved in your Account page. You can access this page by clicking the My Account icon.

Q: How can I revise my quote?

A: In your My Accounts page select the quote you wish to revise by clicking the radio button. Then select Revise Completed Quote, located below your list of quotes. Please note the system will take about 30 seconds to reload your quote for revision. Once you have completed your changes select Finished Quote and you will be able to view your revised quote. The quote number suffix will change from "-0" to "-1". From your My Accounts page you will still be able to view the original quote, but all future revisions and orders must be made from the most recent revision.

Q: I am ordering a few chairs with the same configuration. Do I have to go through the quoting process for every one?

A: Not necessarily. On the My Account page there is a button labeled Copy Existing Configuration. If you process the first quote and then select it and chose Copy Existing Configuration you can enter a new Marked For. You will be directed to the first feature page of an exact copy of your original quote. Select finished quote and your second quote of the same configuration will be saved. You may change certain features, such as Color, but please note that once a chair configuration is completed, many options will be disabled. If you have multiple options to change, it may be more efficient to create a brand new quote.

Q: I didn't get to finish my quote and I closed the browser. Is my incomplete quote saved and where can I find it?

A: Every quote, completed or not, is saved in your My Accounts page. If you did not complete the quote you will not know the quote number, but you can find your quote by searching in the Marked For column or for the date you started the quote. You may also try using the Status to search. By selecting Incomplete from the Status drop-down menu the table will show only your incomplete quotes. Once you have located the quote you wish to complete, click the radio button and click Continue with Incomplete Quote. Once you have finished your quote the Status will change to Quoted.

Q: I am trying to complete a quote and I can't select some of the options I want. Why?

A: A big advantage of Ki Online is the ability to get a valid quote right when YOU need it. Since our customer service team isn't looking over your quote to ensure all of your options and measurements are achievable, Ki Online is doing just that! So when you see an option that you can't select, or is "grayed-out" as we call it, it means something in the configuration the your chair isn't compatible with that option. To help you determine whats causing the problem we have incorporated little magnifying glass icons next to the grayed-out options. If you click the icon it will tell you what option you have picked that is interfering with your ability to chose this option. You can chose to either select an available option or scroll back and change the feature that is causing the problem. If you are still having problems or if you want more information as to why an option isn't available please give our customer service team a call and they will be happy to help you. (M-F 8am-6pm CT)

Q: I see that company Ship To locations are already entered. Can I have a chair shipped directly to an end user?

A: Yes. When choosing a location in the drop-down list, select Drop Ship Residential. Then enter the address of the end user. Please note that residential deliveries incur a $20 USD freight charge. We drop ship to United States addresses only.

Q: I need a quote number but I don't have time to complete the quote. Where can I find one?

A: Start a quote by choosing a chair and filling in the Marked For and Ship To information and clicking Customize. Once the first Feature page shows you can click My Account in the top right corner of the screen. The newest incomplete quote will be listed first in your Activities list. You can always return to your quote at another time to complete it.


